
Composition of the product

Eyebright extract                  120mg

Quercetin                               25mg

Rutin                                       25mg

Product Information

Eyevite contains a unique combination of 3 important nutrient categories. So it is recommended that they be taken from the diet, and the appropriate combination is also very important:

  1. EYEBRIGHT can be useful as an antioxidant, anti-inflammatory herb, and as an astringent, as it helps to tighten the membranes around your eyes while improving circulation around them. The tannins in Eyebright extract help reduce inflammation and bring more vitamins A and C to your eyes.
  2. QUERCETINis an antioxidant, antihistamine, and anti-inflammatory, flavonoid Quercetin is a wonderful natural substance that can help protect your capillaries. Quercetin has been shown to improve how your body processes vitamin C and makes it more effective for you. It has been shown to lower your risk of developing cataracts.
  3. RUTIN helps to strengthen your capillaries


1-2 capsules daily.

Use Eyevite

  • Support strengthen the eye resistance to effectsbacterial infection.
  • Use forpeople with corneal conjunctivitis,blepharitis, allergic conjunctivitis,chalazia and styes, …

Facts / Advice

Storage: Store in a dry and dark place at 15-25 ° C. Keep away from direct sunlight, frost and high temperatures.


30 capsules / box